国際会議 CoMFoS18

2018年 6月13日(水)-15日(金)
京都市, 芝蘭会館別館
本文 この度,研究部会「連続体力学の数理」は国際会議CoMFoS18を開催いたします.
どなたでもご自由に参加して頂けますが、6月14日の夜には芝蘭会館にて懇親会を開催致しますので、参加を希望される方は 6月 1日(金)までに主催者へご連絡ください。
Aim and Scope This is a three-day international conference on mathematical aspects of continuum mechanics. It is the sequel of the conference series CoMFoS organized by Research activity group in JSIAM 'Mathematical Aspects of Continuum Mechanics' (`MACM').

Presentations will focus on mathematical theory and numerical simulations related to topics including but not limited to elasticity, plasticity, fracture mechanics, rheology, acoustics/optics, inverse problems, and optimal shape design. These topics have become more important in applications, and a deeper understanding of their mathematical properties is required for further advances. We especially invite distinguished mathematicians, physicists, and engineers from academia and industry.


平野 史朗
e-mail: s-hrn__AT__fc.ritsumei.ac.jp

