Prof.Moody T. Chu講演会
- 日程
- 2006年 12月 8日(金) 15:00~
- 会場
- 京都大学工学部総合校舎406号室(アクセス:
説明 |
京大情報学研究科大学院教育イニシアティブシミュレーション科学レクチャーズのご案内をお送り致します. March /6 (Tue) と March /9 (Fri) の2日にわたり, Lax型可積分系と数値計算法の関係についての先駆的な研究で著名なMoody T. Chu先生に講演をしていただきます. 大変忙しい時期ではありますが,多くの方のご参加をお待ちしております. なお,本レクチャーは応用数理学会 応用可積分系研究部会との共催です. 応用可積分系研究部会 Web Page: |
講演者 | Professor Moody T.Chu(North Carolina State University,USA) |
講演題目 | Group Theory, Linear Transformations, and Flows:Dynamical Systems on Manifolds |
概要 | It is known that there is a close relationship between matrix groups and linear transformations. The purpose of this exposition is to explore that relationship and to bridge it to the area of applied linear algebra. Some known connections between discrete algorithms and differential systems will be used to motivate a larger framework that allows embracing more general matrix groups. Different types of group actions will also be considered. The inherited topological structure of the Lie groups makes it possible to design various flows to approximate or to effect desired canonical forms of linear transformations. While the group action on a fixed matrix usually preserves a certain internal properties or structures along the orbit, the action alone often is not sufficient to drive the orbit home to the desired canonical form. Various means to further control these actions will be introduced. These controlled group actions on linear transformations often can be characterized by a certain dynamical systems on a certain matrix manifolds. Wide range of applications starting from eigenvalue computation to structured low rank approximation, and to some inverse problems are demonstrated. A number of open problems will be identified. |
tel: 075-753-4818