米国計算力学会議 (U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics)
- 投稿者
- 畔上 秀幸(名古屋大学)
- 日程
- 2021年 7月25日-29日
- 会場
- Chicago, Illinois, USA / Online
The biennial congresses of the U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics have become major scientific events, drawing computational engineers and scientists worldwide from government, academia, and industry. The congress provides a forum for researchers and practitioners all over the world to discuss the latest advancements and future directions in fields pertaining to computational engineering and sciences.
畔上 秀幸
e-mail: azegami__AT__nagoya-u.jp
http://16.usnccm.org/ (top), http://16.usnccm.org/ab_sub (abstract submission)