
Recurrence Plot Symposium

平田 祥人(筑波大学)
2023/8/28-30 (投稿締切2023/3/31)
Recurrence Plotsの2年に1度の国際会議(今年8月, つくば市)での発表募集

We would like to announce the 10th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots
which will be held at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,
Tsukuba, Japan, August 28-30, 2023; as a satellite conference of ICIAM 2023 in Tokyo.
For the moment, we plan a regular conference with physical attendance and parallel virtual participation.

This 10th anniversary symposium will center on two focal points.
First we want to look back over the previous nine symposia and observe what has been achieved.
For this purpose, Prof. Jürgen Kurths, renowned in the field of nonlinear dynamics,
has accepted our invitation to be one of the keynote speakers.
Secondly, we want to look ahead and anticipate how recurrence plots and their quantifications can be usefully
combined with other key research strategies. As one example, we have invited Dr. Shotaro Akaho to discuss
the remarkable similarities between recurrence plots and nonlinear kernel approaches to machine learning.
As another example, invited speaker Prof. Annick Lesne will speak on the 2-dimensional projections of
3-dimensional chromosomal structures as dot maps.
This technique opens the door to unique chromosomal descriptions in terms of recurrence quantifiers.
Many other contributed papers will underscore the clever applications of recurrence ideas to real-world systems.
It is the sincere hope of the organizers that our 10th recurrence plot symposium serves as a unique opportunity
for investigators in different fields of inquiry to discover the utility and commonality
in research efforts to better understand complex systems of all types.
All are invited to celebrate with us our 10-year anniversary of recurrence plot symposia.
The symposium is a unique forum to facilitate the correlation of recent theoretical developments
in recurrence science with applications from various and diverse fields of inquiry.

Please submit your contribution from the web page.





